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Diaphragm filter press common fault solution

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Diaphragm filter press common fault solution

When the control button operation of the diaphragm press is invalid, please check whether the structure and contact of the control button of the diaphragm press are normal.

Check method: Press the corresponding button to check whether the node indicator at the PLC input end is on. If lit, the button is not faulty. If it doesn't light up, check the button and the associated line.

Diaphragm filter press

Diaphragm filter press fault solution:

When you are sure that there is no fault on the input side, you can continue to press the input button. If there is an indicator light, check that the intermediate relays, contactors, and solenoid valve coils related to the output are in good condition. If there is no indicator, it means that if PLC does not meet the output conditions, please check whether the relevant limit switch, proximity switch is intact, whether the node opening and closing is correct, so as to find the cause of the fault, make a correct judgment, and solve the problem in time.

Diaphragm filter press

On this issue, I would like to remind you that in the selection of filter press, in addition to the quality and function of the product, you must also consider the corrosion resistance of electrical components. To avoid the use of corrosive electronic button element components, premature corrosion will increase unnecessary maintenance costs, to the use of diaphragm filter press trouble.

In the diaphragm press, the use of membrane in the diaphragm press is also very important. Currently, polymer membranes used in the market dominate.

Polymer films are made of natural or synthetic polymers that have been compressed. It can be divided by the molecular structure of the polymer. It is a linear polyethylene with long linear chain structures and branched chain structures, such as polybutadiene, and highly cross-linked three-dimensional structures, such as phenolic condensation, which has moderate cross-linked structures.

Diaphragm filter press

According to the structure and function of membrane, it can be divided into five categories: dense membrane, microporous membrane, asymmetric membrane, composite membrane and ion exchange membrane. A dense membrane is a uniformly dense membrane through which matter diffuses primarily. For small molecules, microporous membranes are highly permeable. As the name implies, asymmetric membranes have asymmetric surfaces. It consists of a surface-active layer and a support layer made of the same material. Composite membrane is a compact membrane added to an asymmetric membrane. Membrane separation depends on the dense active layer. Ion exchange membrane is a membrane ion exchange resin composed of a base membrane and an active group.

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