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How to effectively improve the working efficiency of filter press

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How to effectively improve the working efficiency of filter press

Coal preparation plants of coal enterprises basically use plate frame filter press to separate and filter coal, mud and water. In this link, the quality and efficiency of coal, mud and water treatment is the key to ensure the quality and output of coal carbon output. How to ensure the equipment of plate frame filter press in good condition and normal operation is the key to improve the treatment process of coal, mud and water.

filter press

If we do not pay attention to strengthen the daily overhaul and maintenance of equipment, and can not timely discover and eliminate the problems and hidden dangers of equipment, it is bound to cause damage to the machinery and equipment, affect the production of products, reduce the quality of products.

1. Research on problems

1.1 Influencing factors of the working efficiency of the plate and frame filter press The study found that the main factors affecting the operating efficiency of the plate and frame filter press are as follows: First, the staff lack of work experience, do not understand the basic information and operation specifications of the machine and equipment, and cannot operate the equipment correctly. Second, the daily maintenance of equipment can not be completed in accordance with the regulations, filter damage can not be handled in time, slime will block the filter plate resulting in insufficient feeding pressure, repeated feeding, prolong the time, wear the machine, reduce efficiency. Third, the coal slime water treatment system needs to be improved to meet the feeding quality of the equipment and improve the operating efficiency of the equipment.

1.2 Solutions The reasons for the working efficiency of the filter press are studied and analyzed, and the solutions to the problems of low efficiency are as follows: The first is to compile the structure and working principle of the filter press, the operation manual of the filter press, the process flow of the filter press equipment, according to the above information for the on-the-job workers training, refine the operation specifications of the filter press equipment, and regularly evaluate the operators. Two is to develop the filter press equipment maintenance, maintenance system, so that the equipment is always in the best working state. Third, when the filter press is working, the coal should be screened.

2 Implementation process of the solution

2.1 Improve the on-the-job skills of staff Increase the regular assessment and training of on-the-job staff, improve the operational skills and sense of responsibility of the operators on the post, so as to create a first-class equipment operation team. The operators of the press must go through the on-the-job training, pass the strict examination, get the on-the-job operation certificate to hold the post. Enterprises regularly carry out the post operation expert competition activities every month. They can select the monthly post operation expert through the theoretical evaluation and the actual equipment operation evaluation every month, and give the material and spiritual rewards to the post expert, so as to drive the majority of workers to set off the upsurge of learning technology. The duty of the operator of the filter press is: the operator must comply with the factory safety regulations; The operator ensures that the machine can run normally, and reports and deals with problems in time; Regularly observe whether the filtrate pipe is smooth, if there is a problem in time to deal with; Observe cake particles regularly and deal with problems in time. Filter press safety operation notes: filter press plate shall not be lower than the specified number, regular check liquid level, liquid level shall not be lower than the mirror; The mechanical transmission of the filter press should be supplemented with liquid lubricating oil, which can not be replaced by butter; Feed port cleaning must be clean; The filter press must be disconnected from the power supply during maintenance; When replacing the filter plate and cloth, the filter press must be disconnected from the power supply. The training content of post operators is mainly: the structure, working principle, daily maintenance and operation process of the filter press, etc., which divides the detailed post operation specifications, develops post functions, strictly evaluates post operators, and achieves the principle of reward and punishment.

2.2 Strengthen the management and Maintenance of the filter press equipment For the filter press daily maintenance is not serious, to criticize the maintenance personnel and equipment operators, and according to the relevant reward and punishment system, use the system, equipment daily inspection results to assess the operators, so as to ensure that the filter press equipment is always in the best working condition. The frequent failures and treatment methods of the filter press are sorted out and recorded, which is conducive to the maintenance personnel and operators to quickly deal with equipment failures. Taking HMZG800\2000 filter press as reference, the common faults of common filter press are analyzed and dealt with. If the fixed nut is loose, check whether the nut is seriously worn and replace it. If the nut can be used, apply loosening agent and tighten it. Loose air leakage of pressure line: Treat the pipe joint and tighten it. Relay damage: repair or replace. Cleaning work is not good: check the power source, check the pressure and related components, if damaged should be replaced. Too fast or too slow for pulling jaw operation: the appropriate throttle body should be checked. Pull jaw power is insufficient to pull the filter plate: should check the pressure safety valve, safety valve set pressure of 45 Pa. The machine is not in place when closed: check whether the proximity switch is in good condition and whether there is a problem with the line. The jaw cannot return after working: check whether the proximity switch is good, whether the line is faulty, and whether the module is damaged. Leakage in cleaning work: this is due to too fast speed, improper adjustment of throttle valve, improper adjustment of lock. Tilt of the head plate: check and adjust the proximity switch, check whether its installation position changes, and clean the filter plate. No water in cleaning operation: Check whether the belt is broken, check whether the valve body is damaged, check whether the parameters set by the frequency converter are correct, check whether the extrusion pump works normally, whether the outlet valve of the extrusion pump is opened, whether the water pipe of the extrusion pump is damaged, whether the filter plate is damaged, whether the extruded return water valve is closed not in place or even can not be closed, whether the liquid level sensor is damaged, The liquid level of the squeeze bucket can not be automatically supplemented in time, resulting in the low liquid level of the squeeze bucket, and the high wind pressure of the filter press can not reach 7 Pa. Check whether the setting of the squeeze pump and the feeding pump is in the automatic position, and check whether the setting value of the sensor is correct or not. March to intensify of zobah into low pressure, material supply, then may be filling valve cannot be opened or the valve opening is too small, the material transportation pipeline jam, back to the material not closing of valve, the pump control frequency converter set parameters is wrong, the pump drive belt skid or fracture, into the feeding pump impeller was badly damaged.

2.3 Optimize the working condition of the filter press and increase the cleaning frequency of the filter cloth. Plate frame filter press because of the daily maintenance, use is not in place, resulting in the filter press in the process of work by coal, mud blocking filter plate, in the feeding process filtrate can not pass through the filter plate, resulting in pressure leakage, resulting in the filter cake can not form or very thin, because the filter cloth clog, damage, make the filter press efficiency is significantly reduced, so, It is suggested that the production department should clean the filter plate of the filter press thoroughly and increase the cleaning frequency. If the damage of the filter cloth cannot meet the use standard, it must be replaced. In practice, if the filter plate of the filter press is cleaned regularly, the filter effect of the filter plate can be rapidly improved. In the working process, it is easy to unload, the moisture content is very low, and the filter cake is thick. The cleaning capacity of the filter press is improved from the original 3 times cleaning cycle per shift to 4 times cleaning cycle per shift. The water content of the product is reduced from 33.26% to 31.48%. Coarsening of the feed. The working principle of coal preparation plant coal preparation treatment system, mainly using the plate frame filter press and pressure filter combined method for processing, pressure filter in the process of work, the input raw material is relatively coarse, plate frame filter press in the process of work, input raw material is relatively fine, so the original process is the use of pressure filter for the first level of coarse particle filtration, The plate and frame filter press is used for secondary fine particle filtration, but in the actual production process, the actual work of the plate and frame filter press can only maintain two cleaning cycles. After two working cycles, the feed time of the filter press will be too long, the cake forming is too bad, and the work efficiency is too low. After analyzing and studying the low working efficiency of the filter press, it is found that the main reason is that when feeding, the raw material is too fine, which leads to the increase of liquid viscosity. During the working process of the filter press, the fine mud clogging the filter cloth causes the filtering effect to become worse, and the product is difficult to form cake or even not into cake, the product moisture is too high, and unloading is very difficult. When the filter press is working into the material, The relatively fine mud particles will form a thin layer on the surface of the filter cloth, and the thin layer will be attached to the filter cloth and filter other media at the same time. When the mud layer is continuously thickened, the flow resistance increases, the feeding time is lengthened, and the filtration resistance increases, finally the equipment will stop filtering.

2.4 Coarse-mixing experiment of the feed through sampling analysis of the feed particles, through the experiment to carry out technical transformation of the equipment, when the filter press in the process of work, add an appropriate amount of coarse particles of raw materials, so as to improve the work efficiency of the filter press. When the content of coal soil particles less than 0.045mm increases, the mud can not be discharged and attached to the filter cloth, which is the reason for the low working efficiency of the filter press. How to remove this level of fine mud is the main direction to improve the working efficiency of the filter press. It can be seen from the experimental data that coarse particle raw materials are added in the feeding process. It can improve the working efficiency of filter press.

After analyzing the process of the filter press, it is known that coarse particles account for a higher proportion in the effluent of the secondary cyclone. After improving 3503, the effluent of the secondary cyclone enters the old enrichment pool, mixes the old and new pools, and then feeds the filter press, thus achieving the thickening of the inlet particles and making the working cycle of the filter press reach 5 times per shift. Improve the efficiency to 20%, and, every two working cycles cleaning can ensure the efficient operation of the equipment.

In the coal preparation field filter press work, the treatment of coal, mud, water is extremely important, and in the process of coal preparation, can make the coal, mud, water separation and smooth discharge, is the basis for measuring the efficiency of the filter press, in the combined operation of pressure filtration and plate frame filter, when the plate frame press filter into the coal, mud is too fine, will reduce its efficiency, The work efficiency of the filter press can be improved by adding certain coarse granular raw materials into the feed.

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